General Plumbing

4 Valuable Tips for How to Use a Drain Snake

If you’re experiencing a shower, toilet, or other drain clog, you may be wondering how to use a drain snake. While snaking a drain can represent an arduous job that requires a professional, that’s not always the case. Fortunately, it’s relatively easily to fix certain drain issues, With that in mind, it’s often worth giving small clogs a shot before you decide it’s time to call the plumber.

A kitchen sink with a clog-free and recently snaked drain.

4 Quick Tips for Snaking a Drain

With some basic knowledge, a can-do attitude, and the right equipment, you may just be able to take care of that pesky drain clog yourself. Below are a few helpful things to keep in mind if you’re taking on a project like this DIY style.


Much like their reptilian namesake, drain snakes come in many different types. Choosing the right tool for the job at hand should be your first step. To help you do so, here are a few of the most common types:

  • Standard Drain Snakes
  • Toilet Closet Augers
  • Medium Drain Machines
  • Sewer Augers

A standard drain snake may not be enough to accomplish some jobs, and a toilet auger won’t help much with a shower drain clog. Likewise, an extremely powerful sewer auger would be total overkill for a simple DIY fix. Finding the best tool for your needs will make this job easier.

What’s the Difference Between a Snake and an Auger?

Augers and plumbing snakes are similar. In fact, these terms are often used interchangeably. Each offers a bit of variety in terms of cable length and operation. While you would use both for essentially the same job (drain clogs), an auger is generally a better choice for big pipes, while a basic snake is typically used on smaller ones. (Pro Tool Reviews)

A nice residential bathroom with a toilet and shower drain.


Beyond the question of type when choosing a snake or auger tool, there’s the question of manual or motorized. As you might expect, manual drain snakes tend to be less expensive. They’re generally well-suited for quick and easy jobs. However, in some situations, a motorized tool will be required. These electric tools are designed with the power to bust through more seriously clogged drains.


As Apollo Home rightly points out, sewer clogs are often so deep that residential tools cannot reach them. That’s why these jobs are best left to the pros. Save yourself the frustration (not to mention the exposure to biohazardous materials) by getting your local plumbing crew involved on this one.


There’s no shame in calling for backup when a plumbing project proves to be more than you bargained for. Handy homeowners can often take care of simple clogs with a manual snake. Beyond that, however, it can get a little tricky. Between the cost of equipment, your time/effort, and let’s be honest… the disgusting nature of pulling icky gobs of smelly debris, hair, and slime out of a drain, we recommend leaving larger jobs to the pros.

Snaking a Kitchen Drain

Snaking a kitchen drain shouldn’t be too difficult. Check out the video below, grab a basic drain snake, and you'll be off to the races!

Can homeowners do this themselves? Usually, yes.

Snaking a Bathtub Drain

If a Zip-It tool isn’t enough to fix your clogged shower drain, it’s time to try a drum auger on it.

Can homeowners do this themselves? Quite possibly, but it’s often more of a task than a kitchen sink clog.

Further Questions About How to Use a Drain Snake?

Plumbing One is a Central Ohio leader in residential and commercial plumbing. Give us a call to have your drains cleared ASAP so that you can get on with more important things.

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A plumber working on the pipes on the underside of a bathroom sink.

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A plumber working on the pipes on the underside of a bathroom sink.